Quick Math Quiz Answers | Math Quiz 2023 | 100% Score

Here are all the answers for the QuizFacts Math Quiz to help you achieve a 100% score. Make sure to disable your ad blocker to ensure you receive your earnings.

Some questions may be different. Make sure to watch images closely!!!

Which number completes the equation?

Answer: 62

Do you see a pattern? Which number is missing?

Answer: 88

Which shape has seven sides?

Answer: Heptagon

There are twenty-one apples hanging in a tree. Eight apples lie on the ground. With which equation can you determine the total number of apples?

Answer: 21 + 8 = 29

Hannah was paid $9 yesterday. Today, she earned four times as much. How much money did Hannah make in total?

Answer: $45

How about this simple problem? Can you type the solution?

Answer: 56

If you have a different version of this question, just enter the equation into a calculator or ChatGPT to get the answer instantly.

What’s the solution to this problem?

Answer: 30

Which of these answers below is correct?

Answer: 150

Recall your secondary math classes to solve this problem.

Answer: 234

Do you know the answer?

Answer: 40$

Think you know the answer to this one?

Answer: 288

Can you answer this question?

Answer choices can vary on this question. Calculate yourself to make sure

Answer: 589

Conrad bought 1/4 lbs of rice. Which decimal is equivalent to the amount of rice he bought?

Answer: 0,25

Can you tell us what the missing number is in this sequence?

Answer: 2

Can you answer this equation?

Answer: 13

Which of these is a prime number?

Answer: 83

Can you figure out the answer to this problem?

Answer: 6

Can you figure out the value of the hexagon in this colourful problem? Type your answer!

Answer: 3

Use the table below and tell us which list puts the children in order from tallest to shortest?

Answer: Gina, Jessy, Tom, Andy

Which symbol makes this a true statement?


Can you figure out the missing number in this equation?

Answer: 4

What percentage of the apples are green?

Answer: 20 percent

Can you figure out what the answer is here? Enter the solution below.

Answer: 26

Tell us how many cubes are in this image! Enter the solution below.

Answer: 9

Look at this right triangle. Can you figure out the missing value? Type your answer!

Answer: 5

What fraction of the balloons remains after five balloons pop?

Answer: 2/7

Can you tell us what the missing number is? Enter the solution below.

Answer: 55

Can you answer this word problem correctly? Enter the solution below.

Answer: 78

Which numbers complete the sequence?

Answer: 27, 54, 72

What is the percentage of lemons in this group of lemons and strawberries?

Answer: 70

Try and solve this tricky equation! Enter your solution below.

Answer: 180

Sue rode her bike 17 miles every day in March, April and June and 13 miles each day in July and August. How many miles did she cycle in total?

Answer: 2340

Which of these triangles has one obtuse angle?

Answer: B

Which equation demonstrates the commutative property of multiplication?

Answer: A

Think you can figure out the area of this unique shape?

Answer: 22

How tall is the table?

Answer: 105 cm

What is the missing number in this sequence?

Answer: 24

The temperature on Thursday afternoon was 77 °F. A thunderstorm rolled through, and the temperature dropped by 10 °C. What was the temperature after the storm?

Answer: 59°F

Pay close attention to the video and tell us which shape replaces the question mark!

Answer: C

Click PLAY to watch the video below and answer the question.

Answer: B

Congratulations! By now, you should be able to score a perfect 100% on the Quick Math Quiz. 🎉

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